Mahogany card table restoration Uncategorized 5 Aug Written By This week we have completed this lovely mahogany card table. There were splits in the top and missing pieces of veneer. Once restored we revived the original polish on the frame and legs and re-finished the top. antique furniture repairantique furniture restorationantique mahogany card tablefurniture repairfurniture restorationmahogany card tablemahogany card table repairmahogany card table restorationshellac polish
Mahogany card table restoration Uncategorized 5 Aug Written By This week we have completed this lovely mahogany card table. There were splits in the top and missing pieces of veneer. Once restored we revived the original polish on the frame and legs and re-finished the top. antique furniture repairantique furniture restorationantique mahogany card tablefurniture repairfurniture restorationmahogany card tablemahogany card table repairmahogany card table restorationshellac polish